Taking the opportunity to learn online

Published by Koen Glotzbach on

Welcome to the European Schoolnet Academy blog. From here on, we’ll share updates (like technical improvements of the platform), interesting resources (such as the curated lesson plans and learning scenarios from your peers) and ideas and tips for online learning/professional development.

This blog was on our planning for quite some time. But the school closures across Europe motivated us to work extra hard to make this platform available. We hope that despite the difficult situation you will grab the opportunity to discover online learning, both for yourself and your students, to make for a better education throughout Europe.

Categories: Announcement

Koen Glotzbach

Koen Glotzbach

Koen comes from The Netherlands and now works in Brussels on the European Schoolnet Academy. He is the platform's communication officer and manages the technical development. Interested in open source software (which the EUN Academy runs on), he is an active contributor to that community both at work and home.